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May Day and a Shetland Showcase!

Happy 1st day of May to you!!!

The Hap Project

I mentioned in the last blog that I am working on a fun project with Interweave Spin Off. That project is a hap! I know that you might be thinking, What is a hap? What is this project all about? This article pretty much sums up the spinalong/knitalong project. Be sure to check out Kate Larson and Elizabeth Prose's video in the link as well. That is what really convinced me to make my own hap and join this project.

For my hap, I have been working from a skirted fleece from a Shetland ewe named Dahlia. I processed the entire fleece by hand. Since joining the spinalong, I have been chugging along with my handspun singles. I am spinning my singles from rolags with a long draw technique. My aim is to make a warm, woolen spun, dk weight yarn for Joji Locatelli's So Close pattern.

Let me just say, my knitting needles are staring at me and ready to get some use! I have taken a lot of detailed notes, and I am just about ready to start plying the singles I have spun.

Here are some of my progress photos:

That pretty berry color you see is a result of my avocado dye experiment followed up with an acid dye session.

When the yarn is complete, I will leap for joy inside. I have no idea what my reaction will the hap is finished. I am not sure if I will be able to compose myself.

I enjoy labors of love and this one is just for me. That makes it even more enjoyable. Stay tuned for the final results!

A New Study Forum

Speaking of Shetland, let's take a quick shift! Last month at the YarnCon event, I released information about my very first breed study, which I really would like to call a 'Fiber and Breed Study' due to its unique nature. Now, I can release more information for you all.

Today is officially Day One. We are in the Hunting and Gathering phase of the study. If you haven't already, shop your current stash or even my shop to find your goodies for the study. Shetland is the highlight for the sheep breed. If you are looking for a blend to try, I have more of the Shetland/Rose Fiber blend on order. The first batch completely sold out. I am patiently waiting for the latest shipment. Let me know if you'd like to be notified when it arrives. More about the study...

Where is this study? There is a brand new 'FORUM' tab on the site. To join, sign up to the site as a member. Please be sure to review the website's updated terms of use as well as the privacy policy. Swing by the forum when you are ready and comment in the Study post to let me know you are ready to begin. Sign ups for the study are open for anyone who'd like to join. Participate as much or as little as you'd like. We'll discuss preparing fleece for those who may use fleece and ways to get started documenting your findings in this first phase. Another new feature in the Study tab is an area for those who have taken a workshop with me. It is called, Beyond the Workshop! If you have any questions or need additional help outside of the workshop, feel free to swing by and leave your questions there. You can also share photos of your finished projects and progress there as well.

I hope to see you in the new forum! Also, stay tuned for the next blog, I am going to share more exciting news.

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