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Setback to Setup: Welcome Summer!

Writer's picture: Heavenly B.Heavenly B.

What’s Summer without a setback? Ha!

I am just coming back to Chicago from our family’s yearly vacation. It all started with the wonderful idea to travel by plane. I hadn’t flown in years and my two sons were eager for their first airplane ride. Unfortunately, we faced many delays and a few cancellations for both flights. Annnnd insert screams from the deepest part of my soul. An 8-year-old and 3-year-old and an airport for over 8 hours… Just the thought makes my head want to pop off, not to mention the reality of it. I really could write a book or two on that whole adventure, but I’ll spare some trees and ink and time.

With spare hours at the airport, we had to do something. The boys had their own tablet and Leapfrog games. Hubby had stress veins forming in his eyeballs. Then there was me... Like most crafty people, I would rather not find myself with idle hands. On this trip, I brought zero crochet projects. My knitting project was a 3-year work in progress sock. Cookie A. designed this super-fancy sock pattern and named it: Ellington. It was attached to 4 double-pointed needles in my luggage. Not suitable to work on while under stress anyway… None of my spinning wheels came along with me. Oh, how I missed my Lendrum DT!

In search of finding something to do, I purchased a few journals. Now for the first time, I am starting my own bullet journal, mostly for my yarn and fibery things. Apparently, bullet journals are the popular “thing” to do these days.

How did I miss the memo?

I must have been in a cave or something... A fiber cave, of course! Well, I am glad I came out of the cave because this seems right on time for me. I really needed to do something with the consistent flow of creative, inspirational thoughts and ideas that roam in my head. Deadlines, custom work, design ideas, sketches. They all needed a place... outside of my head.

The overall idea is to personalize a journal with your goals and get as creative as you would like in the process. The concept is pretty much right up my alley. I have a lot of goals, and I feel the best way to hold yourself accountable and bring your goals to a reality is to write them down and take action steps and plan ahead. Because Summer has just begun and the month of June is coming to an end, I decided to start planning for July. What was definitely a setback turned into the perfect setup… Now, I am excited about Summer's arrival. I hope you are too! Here's a sneak peak of my journals:

Now it is your turn, Lovelies!

Knitter/Crocheter Question: What is your favorite go-to project while traveling?

Handspinner Question: What is your favorite wheel, e-spinner or spindle for traveling?

General Questions: What are your goals this Summer? What methods are you using to stay on track?

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